Saturday, July 19, 2014

If anyone has been on Instagram (ya know, the place where everyone is a photographer) you should most definitely find me on there and follow me! Here is a quick and easy link for you to follow to find me: I find my feed to be charming and witty, with a few photographs of books, cameras, food, the works! I do find myself taking 'selfies' quite often, but these selfies are of me having a good time with my lovely and joyous friends!
I like to post photo tips so if you have been in dire need of trying to make your photographs "pop!" and scream "I AM AMAZING!" you have found the right place to help you on your journey of becoming a creative photographer! Questions are always appreciated because I will always have an answer (unless there is no answer). Please leave a shout with any questions, comments, concerns, or if you have something to share do so in the comments section!